
Official Women’s World Cup Soccer Ball 2015

Women’s World Cup 2015 Match Ball For FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada, 2015 Adidas unveils Match Ball for 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup™ FIFA and Adidas celebrate women’s football  05-Dec-2014Adidas today unveiled the official match ball of the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015, the Adidas conext15. The ball features a new green, red and…


Official World Cup Tango 1978 Soccer Ball

Soccer ball design experienced another revolution in 1978 with the introduction of the Adidas Tango. Adidas had created what would become a ‘football design classic’. Twenty panels with ‘triads’ created the impression of 12 identical circles. For the following five FIFA World Cup tournaments, the Match Ball design was based on this design. Tango featured…