
Champions League Balls

Here you can find information on UEFA Champions League Balls since 2002 up until the current day. Adidas Finale: Official Match Ball of the UEFA Champions League Final  2002 Gray Star Finale Ball The above 2001 Champions Finale ball picture provided by Sheridan Bird. Visit    www.sheridanbird.com.  The Adidas Finale was developed based on the Adidas Terrestra…


Official World Cup Telstar Match Soccer Ball

The above picture was provided by Sebastiano Calì from Italy. Thanks! The above Telstar ball (that was made in France) picture was provided by Jacques Barralon The Adidas Telstar was named after the Telstar satellite. The ball was completely made of leather like all other balls in its time; however, unlike any other ball, it featured 32 hand-stitched…


NFHS Soccer Ball Testing and Approvals

Since the 1999-2000 school year, soccer balls used in interscholastic competition in sports for which the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) writes playing rules are required to have the NFHS authenticating mark. Here we will look at the NFHS Ball testing and approvals. Ball Testing Requirements: Spherical Made of leather or other suitable material…

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Official 1994 World Cup Ball Adidas Questra

Articles and pictures from Sheridan Bird, January 28, 2004 In June 1990, the football viewing public were eagerly anticipating the start of the sport’s greatest tournament, the FIFA World Cup, in Italy, a country widely known and loved for its creativity and artistic ambience. A leader in fashion, wine, art and sculpture, the host nation…

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Official World Cup Final Match Ball Teamgeist Soccer Ball

Very Rare Germany/Italy Teamgeist Ball The Final Golden Berlin Ball: Italy vs. France – Only 1600 balls made. Not For Sale at Soccer Ball World/ For informational purpose only: Germany Costa Rica Kick Off Ball Not For Sale at Soccer Ball World/ For informational purpose only France vs. Switzerland Ball (courtesy of Reg Wong) Italy…

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Teamgeist II Goal Line Technology

Yokohama/Herzogenaurach, December 13th, 2007 – Today, adidas and Cairos Technologies presented the new Goal Line Technology and the adidas intelligent football tested at the FIFA Club World Cup™ in Japan from December 7 through 16, 2007.  The official match ball of the tournament, adidas Teamgeist II, features a new intelligent technology designed to assist the referee’s decision in…

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2010 World Cup Soccer Ball “JABULANI”, the Official Match Ball for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. Jabulani – means “to celebrate” in isiZulu On December 4th, adidas and FIFA officially unveiled the adidas “JABULANI”, the Official Match Ball for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. The “JABULANI”, which means “to celebrate” in isiZulu,…


Official Women’s World Cup Match Ball: SpeedCell

Adidas unveils Match Ball for  2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup™ FIFA and adidas celebrate women’s football  01-Dec-2010Adidas and FIFA unveiled the Adidas SPEEDCELL – the Official Match Ball of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 201 in Germany. The ball was presented for the first time during the Official Final Draw ceremony in Frankfurt. SPEEDCELL” stands for speed,…


Nike Maxim – EPL, SerieA, LFP Official Match Ball

The Nike Maxim Hi-Vis ball introduced across Europe’s leading leagues — the Premier League, Serie A and La Liga. The 2012-13 Maxim Hi-Vis ball features a color combination blended together in a unique way to create maximum visual performance and contrast on the pitch. The bold geometric graphic and color combination on the Maxim Hi-Vis…